When the woman came,they sent me into the orther room. I don't normally drink.but one of them had brought some "grappa" for me. They were a long time and the room was so silent. After a time I went out"
Can you remember where you went?
I think so. I walked about in the centre of town and I looked at the Chrismas lights.
Were you going to go and see the Englishman?
No, I wasn't. it just happened. I came back down Via Maggio. I was thinking about the money then. When I came to the door of number fifty-eight, it opened"
did you see anyone?
No....well, I think the night-guard was there. I think I saw him go into once of the houses. I didn't see anyone else. When I saw the door open, I walked in. I don't know what I was going to do. It was too late for the money....but he should have paid her....I closed the street door