Quality Assessment. Two reviewers (T.C. and ID.M.) indepen- dently assessed the methodological quality of the included studies using the Delphi list.The Delphi list is a 9-item checklist developed for reporting quality scores of RCTs. For the purpose of this review, 1 item was removed from the Delphi list, namely, blinding of therapist, as this is not feasible in trials of exercise because the nature of the intervention does not allow for therapist blinding. The Delphi list in this review therefore allowed scores (0 or 1) for each of the following 8 criteria: method of randomization; treatment allocation; similarity between groups baseline; of eligibility criteria;reason for exclusion at each stage of the process is giveninthe Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews an Meta diagram15 1. This was created using Review Manager software (version 5.2)