The influence of earthworms on plant growth and soil properties
was investigated by adding two adults of the endogeic species
M. posthuma per pot (0.61 g ind−1 in average) before each cultivation
(before the two maize and tomato plantings). This species was
found in the garden of the SFRI institute. M. posthuma is a medium
size endogeic geophagous earthworm (∼12 cm in length, and 5 mm
diameter on average at the adult stage) which produces approximately
5–10-fold its own weight in casts per day (Bottinelli et al.,
2010; Jouquet et al., 2011, 2012). Its casts range from 1 to 3 mm
and are mainly found belowground. Earthworm survival and development
were assessed by measuring earthworm abundance after
each crop harvest. Earthworm activity was also assessed at the
end of the one-year experiment by measuring the dry weight of
earthworm casts (40 ◦C during 48 h). Earthworm casts were easily
distinguished from the bulk soil by their rounded shape and size
(Bottinelli et al., 2010; Jouquet et al., 2011). They were carefully
collected with a spatula in three soil clods (∼125 cm3) per plot.
The influence of earthworms on plant growth and soil propertieswas investigated by adding two adults of the endogeic speciesM. posthuma per pot (0.61 g ind−1 in average) before each cultivation(before the two maize and tomato plantings). This species wasfound in the garden of the SFRI institute. M. posthuma is a mediumsize endogeic geophagous earthworm (∼12 cm in length, and 5 mmdiameter on average at the adult stage) which produces approximately5–10-fold its own weight in casts per day (Bottinelli et al.,2010; Jouquet et al., 2011, 2012). Its casts range from 1 to 3 mmand are mainly found belowground. Earthworm survival and developmentwere assessed by measuring earthworm abundance aftereach crop harvest. Earthworm activity was also assessed at theend of the one-year experiment by measuring the dry weight ofearthworm casts (40 ◦C during 48 h). Earthworm casts were easilydistinguished from the bulk soil by their rounded shape and size(Bottinelli et al., 2010; Jouquet et al., 2011). They were carefullycollected with a spatula in three soil clods (∼125 cm3) per plot.
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