There are several other changes discussed in this
note. The first is Reaffirmation Abuse. Congress tightened
the law for creditors who attempt to have debtors
reaffirm their debt by ensuring that debtors have the
opportunity to make an informed decision. Congress also
included the Schumer-Leahy Amendment in the Reform
Bill. Congress included this amendment so that debtors
who have monetary judgments against them for perpetrating
violence and threats against family planning
clinics non-dischargeable. Congress also addresses child
support and alimony in the Reform Bill, moving children
Volume 14, Number 1 2001 Loyola Consumer Law Review
and spouses into the first priority spot for receiving
support after a debtor files for bankruptcy. Finally, Congress
added the Sessions-Kohl Provision to the Reform
Bill. The Senate included, in S 420, a 100,000 cap on any
homestead exemption. Extensive debate among members
of both political parties and experts in various fields
resulted from these proposed sections in the Reform Bill.