Pure server: file [GAME]pak01_034.vpk does not match the serve)
So I recieved this error today in the warm up of my MM game with 4 friends. I google it very fast and realize I need to verify the game cache. I proceed with reconnecting once to get maximum amount of time and start verifying.
Sadly it took about 30 seconds too long and I get banned from the MM for 30 minutes and leaving my 4 teammates with a bot.
Since I haven't touched my game files since several months back I blame the game for this. And this isn't the first time it has happened either. Forces me to leave the game and then bans me because I can't reconnect in time to fix the problem makes me furious.
Here's some suggestions if a dev reads this.
Fix this stupid problem. Something is corrupting files without the users knowledge.
If this happens, the user shouldn't be punished and the game should react by telling the player to verify game cache. Especially not start the game from warm up when the user gets kicked because of it.
Give us some kind of option to verify game cache without starting a goddamn timer when we get kicked.
This is basically comparable to playing public and getting banned by a toxic admin for no reason.