Please keep it confidential so far.
There is a new project that we are going to dramatically improve our logistics, especially for internal carton packing activity in this time.
The followings are summary;
1. Outsourcing carton packing activity to TTK which has considerable business units for export packing for all Toyota group.
2. Outsourcing scope is for only "Export packing for Ushin Group".
3. Thanks to this outsourcing;
1)carton box cost reduction
2)current carton box strage area minimization and use for another stocks
which are currently in hte warehouse outside (area optimazation and cost reduction of warehouse outside)
3)cash flow improvement
4)no dead stock risk of carton materials
are brought to us.
4. Meeting date with TTK, including Thai General Manager classes
13:30, 29/Jul, meeting room 3.
5. Purpose of the meeting
TTK proposes necessary action plans at both companies with master-plan.
6. Pracha san
1)Please provide one sample each of carton materials listed at the attachment in blue colored cells so that TTK can brings them back in the day (for their more cost reduction study)
2)For more details, please find the sheet from "1" to "10" in the attachment.
3)Please arrange to observe each materials listed at the attachment in pink colored cells in the day at the working area of logistics (not necessary to give them samples, just observation only).
7. Pitikorn san
Please attend this meeting at 13:30 in 29/Jul, and I will get consent from Nishimura san for you.