but even more so, they will be especially
because for you, Niphon, it's going to be a GENUINE REVIVAL and the beginning of a NEW LIFE full of Joy, Happiness, and MONEY !
You have certainly read about it in the papers or seen it on television: many famous astrologers are predicting a wave of catastrophies and extraordinary events throughout the world in the coming days.
It is true: astounding, extremely RARE events are about to happen. But I can tell you, here and now, that not all of these events are going to be catastrophic.
In fact, I can assure you that, on the contrary, marvelous events are coming up which, provided you follow my advice, will radically change the course of your life.
You will forget the grim life you are living today, a life you loathe. And you will at last get to know a new life, BEAUTIFUL, RICH and EXCITING!
In fact, all these catastrophies they have been warning about don't spell the end of the world...
... But they do spell the end of ONE PARTICULAR KIND OF WORLD.