2.5. Characterization
FTIR spectra of the nanocomposites coated cotton fabric were
recorded with a Nicolet 5700 FT-IR Spectrometer (Thermo Nicolet
Corporation, USA) with thewave number range of 500–4000cm1.
The morphological structures of nanocomposites coated woven
cotton fabric were studied with scanning electron microscopy
(SEM, JSM-5600LV, operating at 15 kV), and a small amount of gold
was painted onto the surface of all fabric specimens to get clear
2.6. Electrical measurement
Electrical resistance measurements were performed on all
fabric specimens after conditioning in a standard atmosphere. The
electrical resistancewas measured 5 times on each fabric specimen
and the average values was taken. The surface electrical resistivity
of the nanocomposites coated cotton fabric were measured
according to the AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists
and Colorists) Test Method 76-2005. In the present work, the
electrical conductivity was studied with a Rigol DM3068 digital
multimeter analyzer. The applied voltage in the measuring process
was in the range from 10 to +10 V and the corresponding I–V
curve data was recorded at 0.5 V intervals. Conductive tape was
used to fix the samples to the electrodes in order to minimize the
contact electrical resistance