conclusion, we examined sheep α-TTP expression profiles in response to dietary vitamin E and provide here for the first time in vitro evidence for the successful production of a functional monoclonal antibody that can specifically recognize and quantify sheep α-TTP in assays such as Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) Western-blot (การย้ายโปรตีน) and immunohistochemistry (อิมมูโนพยาธิวิทยา) . It is tempting to speculate that the mechanisms underlying α-TTP-dependent vitamin E transport involve additional components. Identification of the potential factors that may interact with α-TTP, deciphering the exact molecular mechanisms by which α-TTP influences the intracellular transport of vitamin E and clarifying the modes by which this activity is regulated in vivo will greatly enhance our understanding of vitamin E biology in both health and disease