The antagonistic activities of the isolated bacteria were carried out on PDA plates using the dual culture technique [18]. The isolated bacteria were streaked on one side of the PDA plate and a 6 mm disc of an actively growing culture of L. theobromae was placed on the opposite side. Triplicates were maintained for each bacterial screening. The plates were incubated at 28 ± 2 °C for 7 days. The inhibition zone that developed as a result of inhibition of fungal growth was observed and measured. Inhibition of the stain fungus in the dual culture was analyzed using two parameters: percent inhibition (% I) of radial growth and width of the zone of inhibition (ZI) measured at the smallest distance between the two colonies. The degree of antagonism was classified into five based on visual rating for normal growth (0), partial obstruction (1), obstruction (2), stoppage (3) and very fast stoppage (4) of growth of the fungus at the time of dual culture [19] ( Table 1).