Property, plant, and equipment
In line with IAS 16, the standard requires that:
· The cost of property, plant and equipment
includes an estimate of the costs of dismantling
and removing the item and restoring the site on
which it is located. This is an obligation which
the entity would incur as a result of either
acquiring the asset or as a consequence of using
it over a period of time.
· Such costs should be accounted for on initial
application of the new accounting standard as a
change in accounting estimate. The related
depreciation charge will be calculated over its
remaining useful life.
· Some property, plant and equipment consist of
items that comprise of two or more components
with significant costs and different useful lives.
Such components shall be depreciated separately.
· An entity should review the method of
depreciation, residual value, and the useful life of
its property, plant and equipment on a regular
basis. This time period is not defined but there is
no need to review every year.
· Property, plant and equipment is derecognised
when the item is:
i. disposed; or
ii. not expected to earn future economic benefits
either from its use or disposal.
It should be noted that TFRS for NPAEs does not
allow property, plant and equipment to be revalued to
its fair value. All items of property, plant and
equipment must be measured after initial recognition
using the cost model, i.e. cost less any accumulated
depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.
However, the entity may disclose the fair value and the
criteria for determining fair value in the notes to the
financial statements.