Changes in the water holding capacity (WHC) and collagen profile in bovine m. infraspinatus during ageing in a
vacuum at 3 °C up to 20 days were studied. Moisture, expressible water and total collagen content were determined
in raw samples and muscles were then subjected to thermal treatment in steam. Moisture, collagen fractions
(total, water-soluble, insoluble, acetic acid-soluble, total soluble) and cooking loss were determined in the
cooked meat. Ageing time did not significantly influence WHC (expressible water content as a % of moisture),
moisture content in raw and cooked meat or cooking loss. Between the 5th and 10th day of ageing a significant
increase was noted in acetic acid-soluble collagen and total soluble collagen content along with a decrease in insoluble
collagen content (p b 0.05). A significant negative relationship was found between the expressiblewater
content and the water-soluble collagen. Itwas concluded that connective tissue ageing of bovine m. infraspinatus
might be finished after 10 days.