physical and social stigmata of obesity has added to
the stresses of adolescent life and contributed to the
increased levels of depression and anxiety(7-11).
Furthermore, the association between dietary habits/
lifestyle characteristics and overweight/obesity in
adolescents(12) is clearly shown in this study showing
the increasing number of hours Thai adolescents
spent watching television and playing video or
computer games(13). The preliminary health screening
data from our Adolescent Health Promotion Network
Project (AHPN project) showed that the prevalence,
students with Percent Weight for Height (% WFH) of
greater than 120%, was 678 (12.63%). Thus, in order to
ascertain the impact of obesity to livelihood of students
in our school project, a form of questionnaire has been
administered with the aim of being able to identify
the psychological, emotional, and social impact of
obesity on these students. As well as to gain a better
understanding of their personal perspective regarding
diet, exercise and health knowledge so that effective
interventions can be formulated that fit for their
particular needs