Seolhyun was slightly drunk.
Although it was currently midday, she's had a few drinks here and there since she was free this day. Staying home alone, she was free to do whatever she desired, though she couldn't get what she really wanted: a man to satisfy her deepest desires.
Jealous of Jimin's dating life, she often thought how it would be had she had a boyfriend. Of course, her perverted mind thought only of their sexual activities together and not much of anything else. At the age of twenty, Seolhyun was extremely curious about sex.
As a result, she spent a lot of her free time masturbating, satisfying her sexual urges alone. Though she didn't have a cock to please her, Seolhyun's fingers and toys were often enough to stave off her arousal if only for a day or two. Her sessions were often rough and today was no different. Now drunk, she found ways to heighten her fun that would not be done in sobriety.
"Gah...I need fresh air..."