In January 2006, 25 tonnes of heavy fuel oil spilled into the Port of Gladstone in Queensland, Australia,
from the breached hull of a bulk carrier ship. While approximately 18 tonnes of the oil was recovered,
a certain amount of oil was deposited in the intertidal areas of Port Curtis leaving a highly visible, viscous
residue. The objectives of this research were to assess the short-term (one month post-spill) and medium-term
(six months post-spill) impacts on the intertidal habitat.
Sediment polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metal concentrations, mangrove communities
and intertidal macroinvertebrates were assessed at oil impacted sites, adjacent sites which were not visibly
impacted and reference sites which were located outside the recorded distribution of the oil spill.
At one month post-spill, highest PAH concentrations were found at the impacted sites, with concentrations
of some PAHs exceeding Australian and New Zealand sediment quality guidelines (SQG) [ANZECC/
ARMCANZ, 2000. Sediment Quality Guidelines. Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation
Council and Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand]. However,
by six months post-spill PAH concentrations had significantly decreased. PAH concentrations tended to
be higher in the back (upper) intertidal zone than at the front of the mangrove stand, and sediment cores
indicated that PAH contaminants had remained in the top 4 cm of the sediment. These results indicate
that the overall decreased PAH concentrations are likely to be due to evaporation, photoxidation and tidal
flushing of the residual oil in these impacted sites.
During the initial survey, the impact site contained very few or no crabholes in the high intertidal area,
indicating a low crab density in comparison to reference sites. However, at six months post-spill mangrove
crab communities appeared to be fully recovered with crabhole densities in impact sites similar
to reference sites.
While little immediate impact was evident on mangrove parameters, significantly higher seedling mortality
and defoliation was apparent at six months post-spill, particularly in the upper intertidal zone.
Intertidal macrobenthic communities did not appear to be impacted, either immediately or at six months
post-spill. Monitoring of these oil impacted intertidal areas will continue to examine the long-term
impacts/recovery from the oil spill