Thank you very much for your all support for the preparation of application dossier.
While finalizing the dossier, I have additional clarification questions.
1) Is Ms. Nareerat Rukachaisirikul, General Manager, an executive who has the representation right of Rubia Industries Ltd.? “Name of Applicant” of the application document should be an executive with representation right.
2) Could you specify who in the organization chart has representation right of the company?
3) As evidence of not involved in mental illness or drugs, “medical certificate for 5 disease” is attached. Is it common/official format usually used in Thailand or is there any difficulty to obtain medical certificate for other diseases or in another format?
4) Does Thailand government have a system for manufacturing license of quasi-drugs and/or cosmetics, (other than GMP certificate already sent)? If yes, could you send a copy of the license certificate issued by governmental organization?