CTNZ now has 23 Members offering a range of workshops and learning experiences that reflect the diverse culture of this part of New Zealand: from harakeke (flax) weaving to woolcraft, from bone carving to bronze casting, from ceramics to native plant propagation, from seafood cookery to wood working.
Workshops last from 2 hours to 4 days. Some include meals, most ask participants to bring their own sandwiches. Costs range from $55 to $650. All the workshops are small, with a maximum of twelve participants and usually less.
Workshops can be booked directly with Members or through the local Visitor Information Office in Motueka. The latter is providing this booking service for free during the pilot period partly because they hope to sell other services to potential creative tourists but mainly because they see the long-term potential of an additional aspect of tourism for region.
CTNZ Members meet bi-monthly to discuss progress. These meetings bring together artists and crafts people and help the bonds between them.
Each Member has been asked to recommend accommodation nearby, places where they feel that participants on their workshops will enjoy staying. This has involved a further 30 plus people who want to see CTNZ succeed.