In the factorial plots (see Figure 2) in each panel, the 9 data points on
solid lines represent ratings for combinations of two relationship quality
factors. White bullets on double lines represent average ratings when a
single relationship quality factor is presented (uncombined condition). The 9
data points on dashed lines in the factorial plots represent mean happiness
ratings for combinations of all three relationship quality factors, averaged
over the 3 levels of the third factor (referred to with “FRav”,“PTav” and
“PRav” in the plots). Both dashed and solid lines in all three panels of
Figure 2 are well spread and show strong patterns of parallelism, indicatinglear main effects for the quality of the relations with a Partner, Friends and
Parents. These observations are confirmed by the corresponding ANOVAs
(See Table 1). In all three panels of Figure 2 the double line with white
bullets (uncombined condition) crosses the midmost solid line (2 factors
presented). Together with the parallelism in the solid lines this cross-over
indicates that the integration of information on two relationship qualities
follows an averaging model.