Every morning when I wake up,
and know that
you're there.
In bed by my side,
properly close and near.
When overwhelmed, I felt
for you.
Because you are who you are,
and because I have you so deep
and much loved. Every day when you are at work, I long to see you again. Hearing harmony and laughter in your soft voice. Because you are who you are and because you're the one I hold, and never ever will either, or forget. Every day is filled with waiting. Waiting for tonight, so I can hold your arms firmly around you, and tell you how much I love you. Because you are who you are, and because I long to hear, that you also love me. Each night I long to sit tight intill you, in loving embrace. Feel the warmth from you and see the light in your beautiful eyes. Because you are who you are, and because there share the night with you, that repentance and eternal salvation. YYYY vor I miss you love you kissssss
๒๐ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๕๗ ๑๐:๑๔ น.
darling how are they staying I'm looking for serious forhåld with honesty
๒๐ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๕๗ ๑๑:๓๑ น.