Cancer/Dragons are curious people and often go traveling and bring back reports or trophies from their wanderings. This person knows how and where to apply the dynamic energy he owns, and makes an interesting—though perhaps a mite too talky for my taste—companion. Dragon/Cancers are idealistic, too. They’d like to change the world—or at least try.
The Cancer born Dragon will be drawn to things artistic and will probably be something of a culture vulture. He or she will enjoy appearing in public places well turned out and suffisant. Cancer/Dragon is a sign of strength without the disadvantages that often go along with domination.
In romance as in life in general, the Cancer/Dragon will operate mostly out of energetic sentiment and fiery sensuality. It’s a turbulent mix at best. “I feel for this and love that and adore her and hate him and am passionate about everyone and what’s worse, I am outrageously attractive.” Oh, you poor little waif! You mustn’t feel so guilty. Don’t put your charm back in your pocket. Get out there and wow ‘em with your pizzazz! But be careful. Remember how sentimental you are. This world of admiring strangers is mined with pitfalls for people like you.
You see, for a Dragon to be even the least bit discreet and dignified, reserved and genteel, he has to be a Cancer. This person will be adorably humble on the outside but oozing with Dragonish magnetism, which he’ll never be able to completely hide. For this reason I would not take bets on his fidelity. If you love a Cancer/Dragon, stay home by the phone and keep your little black book well filled with alternatives.
Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces/Monkeys tease you and entrance you, sweet Cancer/Dragon. You may also find happiness with a Scorpio or Pisces/Rat. You love Snakes for their innate beauty, so why not try a Taurus or Pisces/Snake? But beware! Snakes love to tell fibs. And when you’re in love, you can easily be duped. Taurus/Pigs and their Rooster brothers and sisters can also turn up your volume. Don’t try coupling with an Aries, Libra or Capricorn/Dog, a Capricorn or Libra/Ox. And don’t even think about marrying any kind of Cat.
Home and Family
This person is a Cancer. So he will have a comfortable and reasonably sane home life. But as he is also a Dragon and wont to show off, I’d say the house will be large and imposing, the gardens well tended and the luxe apparent. Cancerian Dragons do not know how to keep their zip zippered. You will not be unimpressed.
As a parent the Cancer/Dragon’s a doll. He will love his kids to pieces and adore showing them off to relatives and to the world at large. He’ll offer them security and in return he will expect obedience and manners. He or she will also revel in performing for the kids. (If your father or mother is a Cancer/Dragon, I suggest you laugh at their jokes.)
The Cancer/Dragon child will be sweet-natured and quick of wit. You shouldn’t have too many problems with him or her provided there are many outlets for all the energy they are born with. They should be trained at many different disciplines, as they are capable and diligent learners whose aim is to please. He or she will probably have an interest in theater.