In the age of globalisation, English has played an increasingly important role asthe medium of communication among people from different non-English speakingcountries and Thailand is no exception. English is no longer a mere subject to belearnt in the classroom but also medium for social and practical use (Foley,2005).Therefore, English has come to be considered globally as the international or globallanguage. The main use of English language is it helps Thai students in getting great job, improve communication skills and others. Eid & Jordan- Damschot (1989) statedthat students language ability is also related to academic success. The main goal of the
English courses on offer is to develop students’ communicative competence in both
academic and non-academic English. In doing so, language learners are expected to beable to efficiently express themselves in the target language and successfullycommunicate in real-life situations ( Lightbrown & Spada, 1999 ).According to Boonyakarn (1991), Thai students are expected to be able tocommunicate effectively in English but they have problem to differentiate English pronunciation from Thai language. They also still encounter problems of difficulties intheir face to face oral communication although they use English most of the time inthe classroom. According to Yarnruksa (1997), this may be partly due to a lack of confidence in expressing themselves in English. There are many solutions that mighthelp Thai students to solve their problems in learning English in Universiti SultanZainal Abidin ( UniSZA ).