The instrument for data collection was a 22 items questionnaire, constructed
along a modified 4-point likert type rating scale of Strongly Agree (SA) = 4-
points, Agree (A),= 3-points, Strongly Disagree (SD ),=2-points and Disagree
(D ),=1-point.The face and content validity of the instrument was determined
by two experts of the department of educational administration and policy
studies of Delta State university, Abraka who carefully scrutinized the items
and their corrections were effected before the final draft was prepared.. The
reliability of the instrument was carried out, using split half technique
involving a pilot study on 20 teachers, 10 vice principals and principals
outside the study area. The data collected was analyzed using Cronbach
Alpha formula to compute the correlation coefficient of 0.81, thus
establishing the internal consistency of the instrument. The instrument was
administered by the researcher and two assistants. The 300 copies of
questionnaire administered were returned back useable for data analysis.
The instrument for data collection was a 22 items questionnaire, constructedalong a modified 4-point likert type rating scale of Strongly Agree (SA) = 4-points, Agree (A),= 3-points, Strongly Disagree (SD ),=2-points and Disagree(D ),=1-point.The face and content validity of the instrument was determinedby two experts of the department of educational administration and policystudies of Delta State university, Abraka who carefully scrutinized the itemsand their corrections were effected before the final draft was prepared.. Thereliability of the instrument was carried out, using split half techniqueinvolving a pilot study on 20 teachers, 10 vice principals and principalsoutside the study area. The data collected was analyzed using CronbachAlpha formula to compute the correlation coefficient of 0.81, thusestablishing the internal consistency of the instrument. The instrument wasadministered by the researcher and two assistants. The 300 copies ofquestionnaire administered were returned back useable for data analysis.
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