To Sam,
I would like to continue this project:
Hostel House and Fish Pond Improvement Project
Location :
- Frontal area of the fish pond, including surround the hostel house.
Proposal :
1. Improvement of the landscape
2. Staffs’ motorcycles parking: from beside of frontal fence and ending at the existing canteen.
3. The whole area surround the hostel house can be used as workshop stores.
Construction :
- Concrete overlay at 10 cm. thick and 1/2" steel reinforcement to almost full area.
- 15x40 vertical beams will be built at the edges of concrete surface for soil slide protection.
- Shelters to be consider to built beside hostel house for weather protection later.
Budget :
- Total area : approximately 210 sq.m.
- Materials cost per sq.m. 800 baht
- Labor cost per sq.m. 160 baht
- Over all budget will be around 200,000.-
Remark :
This project has been discussed before you depart Chiangmai last week.
Please approve, then I can slowly go ahead by an existing small contractor.