Nurses at every level of care and administration
must be aware of the effects of models of
geriatric care on nursing practice. In all adult
settings, nurses will care for geriatric patients
at some point in their career. It is imperative to
stay abreast of the developments in caring for
elderly patients. The 3 models currently in use
and discussed in this article (ACE, HELP, and
NICHE) all have unique aspects, and initial research
suggests that they are effective at improving
patient outcomes. Therefore, hospitals need
to assess all 3 models and the evidence associated
with them and choose which best fits their
needs as a hospital. Hospitals should introduce
a model of care for geriatric patients and closely
track outcomes. Outcomes that should be
tracked include patient clinical outcomes, use
of the interdisciplinary team, satisfaction, staff
education, and cost-effectiveness. Nurses can
then make changes as needed to tailor the model
to their needs. Nurses and hospitals can also contribute
to the available research on the models.
Nurses will find that use of a geriatric model of
care can decrease patient length of stay, cost of
care, and inpatient complications; it can also increase
patient satisfaction, nurse satisfaction,
and positive patient outcomes. Use of ACE,
HELP, or NICHE is imperative to improve hospital
care of older patients.
Nurses at every level of care and administrationmust be aware of the effects of models ofgeriatric care on nursing practice. In all adultsettings, nurses will care for geriatric patientsat some point in their career. It is imperative tostay abreast of the developments in caring forelderly patients. The 3 models currently in useand discussed in this article (ACE, HELP, andNICHE) all have unique aspects, and initial researchsuggests that they are effective at improvingpatient outcomes. Therefore, hospitals needto assess all 3 models and the evidence associatedwith them and choose which best fits theirneeds as a hospital. Hospitals should introducea model of care for geriatric patients and closelytrack outcomes. Outcomes that should betracked include patient clinical outcomes, useof the interdisciplinary team, satisfaction, staffeducation, and cost-effectiveness. Nurses canthen make changes as needed to tailor the modelto their needs. Nurses and hospitals can also contributeto the available research on the models.Nurses will find that use of a geriatric model ofcare can decrease patient length of stay, cost ofcare, and inpatient complications; it can also increasepatient satisfaction, nurse satisfaction,and positive patient outcomes. Use of ACE,HELP, or NICHE is imperative to improve hospitalcare of older patients.
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