Seafood forms a part of health diet.However,seafood can be contaminated with foodborne pathogens,resulting in disease outbreaks. Because people consume large amounts of seafood,such disease out-breaks re increasing worldwide. Seafood bacterial pathogen that form biofilms are vibrio spp.,Aeromonas hydrophila, Salmonella spp., and listeria monocytogenes. As these organisms pose agloba' health threat, recent research has focused on elucidating methods to eliminate these biofilm-forming bacteria form seafood, thereby improving food hygiene.therefore, we highlight recent advances in our understanding of the underlying molacular mechanisms of biofilm formation, the factors that regulate biofilm development and the role of quorum sensing and biofilm formation the virulence of foodborne pathogens. Currently,several novel method have been succeddfully deveroped for controlling biofilms present in seafood. In this review, we also discuss the epidemiology of seafood-related diseases and the novel methods that could be used for future control of biofilm formation in seafood.