This paper explored the myriad problems associated with undergraduate research supervision in socialstudies and religious education using one of the primary Colleges of Education near Gaborone, thecapital city of Botswana as a case study. The study applied qualitative research involving interviewsand focus group interviews to solicit information from eight college lecturers and ten final year students doing research in Religious Education and Social Studies. The respondents were purposively selected on the basis that they would provide rich data on the supervision of research projects. Additionalinformation was generated through document and content analysis. The findings revealed that supervisors and student teachers at undergraduate level experience a large array of problems related to research capacity. The students, for example lacked presentation skills which has resulted in failure to present original work. There is also evidence of a relatively inadequate supervisory skills by collegelecturers in terms of executing their supervision duties. The study concludes by calling for both super-visors and their supervisees to consider undergraduate research as a two-way process which requiresexpertise and adequate skills