If driver wants to go to other location which is not selected during the startup, It should get connected to cloud and get the data downloaded some hours before he travels that way or it should inform him to switch to Manual mode.
2. This idea can be widely used for any kind of update to CAR software, Traffic Rules and even use to analyses how much a car has travelled and its wear and tear information
3. This idea can be extended to a level where, it drives to the nearby service center if it feels that there is some issue in the car or contact the nearest service station by itself and ask for help.
4. Also we can avoid traffic jams and even accidents if we know what’s happening 1 KM or some distance ahead.
5. Once the car is stopped, the data is completely wiped out from car so that no one can steal or use the car without permission.
6. If driver wants to drive to same location on next day, he can mention that in application. Now the application will not wipe the data, rather will encrypt
it and once driver authenticate it, the data will be decrypted.
Now we evaluate some of the potential challenges faced by the self-driving cars and see how the proposed solution can tackle them.