There are many ways to save money to be rich.First thing you must do by not frequently eating a buffet food that is quit expensive, you just gonna waste more money instead to save it although you can still eat outside with friends a buffet for quit sometimes but not too often. Second, you should have more on discipline in buying foods like desserts and any junk foods because one main reason is the money it might lose your money instead of saving it for your important things or for your future and second reason is your health, we believe eating of too much junk foods is not healthy due to preservative or chemicals, you can eat junk foods and dessert at least for quit sometimes. And the last one you should not be a party goer or a type of people who loves to eat in an expensive restaurant, going to a bar with friends to drink and etc. because we all know that all of this might lose our money and we cannot save enough money. To sum it all, it is the self discipline to help us to save money little by little until such time we will realize how important to have a self discipline in saving moneys not because we are greedy but because we are preparing for our future, for our dream in life to become a rich person someday. We cannot be a rich man or a successful man in this society if we do not know how to save enough money