To improve Zanzibar’s tourism product and its competitive ness in the market
place the following strategy components must be instigated:-
Knowledge and Know How strategy
Planning for tourism is dependent on knowing who the client is and what they
are looking for. Knowing which market Zanzibar is in and who main operators
etc. Good databases and statistics are essential to make informed decisions.
Investment Strategy
It is the responsibility of the Zanzibar Government to provide an environment to
encourage investment in tourism development. This not only includes making
the necessary adjustments to tax and fiscal measure but also requires that a
proactive rather than a reactive approach to seeking be established.
Product Strategy
There is overall agreement that the tourism product requires improvement in
quality if it is to compete with other regional island sestina. In order to achieve
this there will need to be investment in the institutional resource of its planning
system, more effective management of the allocation of lease agreements
including withdrawal of leases where necessary and undertaking actions to
improve the existing stock of tourist facilities.
Infrastructure and Access Strategy
Investment in improving infrastructure roads, airport, and utilities is an important
component to improving the tourism product and the image of Zanzibar.
Environmental Protection Strategy
A tourism industry will only be successfully maintained if the environment is
conserved to a near pristine condition. Environmental pronominal protection
must be placed at the top of the political agenda and regulations, management
regimes and plans put in place to ensure environmental sustainability.
Priority should be given to coastal zone management and finding ways to
deal with the increasing pressures marine resources.
Cultural Awareness Strategy
Zanzibar is cultural rich and this serves to draw tourism. However, tourism can
and does have negative consequences for the island cultural which need to be
identified. Measures must be taken to minimize and manage the effects on local
communities and the islands cultural recourses through developing appropriate
management strategies based on limits of acceptable change.
Human Resources Strategy
The quality of the tourism product depends to a great extent on the quality of the trained
personnel available. The upgrading and expansions of the tourist industry will place
greater pressure on the available resources that the are, at present, unable to meet current
demands. High priority must be given to quality training both externally and on the job
in order to meet demand and provide employment opportunities for Zanzibar at all levels.
Security Awareness Strategy
There is a general concern regarding the safety of tourism whilst Zanzibar. There
is a need to plan and implement actions that provide increased physical
protection for tourist, for example, by increasing tourist police. International
security is a worldwide concern. Zanzibar must develop and public security
aweless programmers covering airlines, hotels, customs and immigration
departments and assure tourist of their safety.
Marketing and Communication Strategy
Marketing and communications are essential components of all tourism planning
and promotion. The marketing and Communication Strategy must: -
• Identify and define the target markets
• Develop and promote the image of Zanzibar as a high quality green
island resort and culturally colorful destination.
• Devise an economically effective means of conversing with and
influencing the target markets.
• Improve the databases for information decision-making.
Capacity Building Strategy
In order to encourage and facilitate enterprise an effective intuitional
structure must be put in place, which includes building work relationship
with the private sector for the benefit of all stakeholder parties.
The main takes and responsibilities of implementing this strategy are: -
• Public and privet sector organizations and agencies which contribute
to the tourism industry ate organized and managed in the approved
• Adequate funding is made available for agencies and organizations to
operate effectively,
• Regulations and safeguards are in place.