Water absorption of noodles was analyzed in accordance to the method described by Takahashi, Miura, Ohisa,
Mori, & Kobayashi (2005). The noodles (3 g) were boiled in water (200 ml) until completely cooked (2 min), which
was achieved when the centre of the noodles became transparent. The cooked noodles were washed with distilled
water, drained for 5 min and weighed immediately. Water absorption was reported as the percent increase in the
weight of cooked noodles (weight of cooked noodle minus weight of dried noodle) compared to the dry noodle weight (Chung, Cho, & Lim, 2012). The Cooking loss, defined as the amount of solid substance lost into the
cooking water, was determined according to the method by Lu, Guo, & Zhang (2009). A 10-g sample of noodles
was placed into 500 ml of boiling distilled water. The cooking water and rinsed using 50 ml of distilled water. The
cooking water and rinsing water were collected in a beaker and placed into an air oven at 105qC until dry. The
residue was weighed and reported as a percentage of the starting material. Cooking time was evaluated by observing
the time of disappearance of the core of the noodles strand during cooking (every 30 s) squeezing the noodles
between to transparent glass slides (Ritthiruangdej et al., 2011).