Please be informed that 208 Building Management have rule for security management about bring equipment In and out of building.
Detail and step as following;
Bring equipment In/Out
1. Prepare and fill in document of building is “Request to Transfer Equipment Into/Out Of the Building (ใบขออนุญาตนำอุปกรณ์ เข้า-ออกอาคาร)
2. Please remind that “Request by…”, must to authorize person to sign that inform to Building management is Ping-san, Ked-san or Kotera-san Only.
3. Inform to 208 Building management office (2nd Floor) and pass document to 208 Building management’s staff or engineer to sign at Permit by…
**Please do not sign at [Request by] or [Permit by] by yourself and please kindly to do in process**
Should you have any inquiry, please feel free to let me know.
Thank you for your cooperate.