Listening and speaking skill is an important skill while I was working there. I got an education and practice while I was studying in the university but I could not connect clearly so I must practice myself when I apprenticed. Talk to the foreigner more and learn each language more. For example, a guest ask some bacons in the morning but it sound like ‘burger’ so I couldn’t understand what they want because their accent and some words we don’t know. Sometimes the guest is Chinese or other nationalities that don’t use English in their daily activities so I use body language to communicate with them. One time, the guests are from Japan and cannot speak any English language but I can speak Japanese a little bit then I came to talk to him. He understood what I want to talk to him even I did not say it in a sentence form. He was very impress of me because I can talk to him and take care of him. He gave me snack for a kind of me. Taking order from a guest, I must listen more because I should know and understand what the guests want in their meal. If I’m not good at listening, the guests will complain me and I will get a problem. Speaking and communicating is important too. I must confident while I am talking to them because when I was a hostess, the guest asked me about the food, opening and closing time of the food center or recommend menu to recommend them. They want to talk to us so we should talk to them and make them understand clearly.