The effect of different macro elements and its varying concentrations play an important role in the
biomass accumulation and secondary metabolite production in the present study. The growth characteristics
were examined during the 28 days of culturing using dry weights. The cell lines of V. vinifera were in lag phase
for 7-14 days. Then, they were started to grow exponentially until reaching a stationary phase within 14-21
days, then a death phase due to consumption of the nutrients and lack of oxygen (Gueven and Knorr, 2011).
Cell dried weight was enhanced with increase of initial NH4NO3 from 500 and 1,000 mg/L. The highest of dried
biomass from V. vinifera suspension culture after treated with NH4NO3 500 mg/L and 1,000 mg/L (0.43 and
0.42 g/L, respectively) was reached at day 21 of incubation period (Figure 1). This is due to the uptake of
ammonium and nitrate ions by the cells, essential for their growth (Gueven and Knorr, 2011). Phenolic contents
were measured according to the Folin-Ciocaltue method, and expressed in gallic acid equivalents. The
kinetics of phenolic contents production by the cell suspension culture was presented in Table 1. Phenolic
contents began to increase rapidly during the early lag growth phase, reaching a maximum value at day 14th
(85.90 mg/100g DW) after treated with ammonium nitrate 5,000 mg/L. The amounts of phenolic contents were