Chapter 11: Who Stole the Tarts?
Upon arrival Alice sees the King and Queen of Hearts sitting on their throne, with a great crowd assembled about them. The Knave is standing before them in chains and the White Rabbit has a trumpet in one hand and a scroll of parchment in the other. In the middle of the court is a table with a large dish of tarts upon it. While waiting for the trial to begin, Alice looks around and notices that the King is the judge and that the jurors are not very smart.
The White Rabbit starts reading the accusation; he claims that the Knave of Hearts stole the tarts. The King wants the jury to consider their verdict, but the Rabbit tells him that they should have the witnesses first.
The first witness is the Mad Hatter, accompanied by the March Hare and the Dormouse. Alice feels that she is starting to grow again. The Hatter gives no evidence so they move on to the next witness. The next witness is the Duchess’ cook and she is being cross-examined. She testifies that tarts are made mostly of pepper. To her great surprise Alice herself is being called as the third witness.