Exhibit 7.8 (continued)
5. Reduced appetite
Representing the feeling of a loss of appetite compared with when well. Rate by loss of desire for food or the
need to force oneself to eat.
0 Normal or increased appetite.
2 Slightly reduced appetite.
4 No appetite. Food is tasteless.
6 Needs persuasion to eat at all.
6. Concentration difficulties
Representing difficulties in collecting one’s thoughts mounting to incapacitating lack of concentration.
Rate according to intensity, frequency, and degree of incapacity produced.
0 No difficulties in concentrating.
2 Occasional difficulties in collecting one’s thoughts.
4 Difficulties in concentrating and sustaining thought which reduces ability to read or hold a conversation.
6 Unable to read or converse without great difficulty.
7. Lassitude
Representing a difficulty getting started or slowness initiating and performing everyday activities.
0 Hardly any difficulties in getting started. No sluggishness.
2 Difficulties in starting activities.
4 Difficulties in starting simple routine activities which are carried out with effort.
6 Complete lassitude. Unable to do anything without help.
8. Inability to feel
Representing the subjective experience of reduced interest in the surroundings, or activities that normally give
pleasure. The ability to react with adequate emotion to circumstances or people is reduced.
0 Normal interest in the surroundings and in other people.
2 Reduced ability to enjoy usual interests.
4 Loss of interest in the surroundings. Loss of feelings for friends and acquaintances.
6 The experience of being emotionally paralysed, inability to feel anger, grief or pleasure and a complete or
even painful failure to feel for close relatives and friends.
9. Pessimistic thoughts
Representing thoughts of guilt, inferiority, self-reproach, sinfulness, remorse and ruin.
0 No pessimistic thoughts.
2 Fluctuating ideas of failure, self-reproach or self-depreciation.
4 Persistent self-accusations, or definite but still rational ideas of guilt or sin. Increasingly pessimistic about
the future.
6 Delusions of ruin, remorse or unredeemable sin. Self-accusations which are absurd and unshakable.