In a system that incorporates an effective separation of duties, it should be difficult for any single employee to commit embezzlement successfully. Detecting fraud where two or more people are in collusion to override the preventive aspect of the internal control system is more difficult. When two or more people work together, is much it easier for perpetrators to con the fraud. For example, two women employed b a credit card company colluded to steal funds. One woman was authorized to set up credit card accounts, the other to write of unpaid accounts of less than $1.000. The first woman created a new account for each of them using fictitious data. When the amounts outstanding neared the $1.000 limit, the woman in collections wrote them off The first woman would then create two new cards. and the process would be repeated. The women were caught when the jilted boyfriend of one of them sought revenge. He called the credit card company and disclosed the fraudulent scheme.