There is a lot of gas in the absorption of heat and radiation exposure are greenhouse gases, which is in the group with both gases occur naturally and is caused by human activity. greenhouse gas emissions is an important steamThere is empty, ozone, and said oxide ซีเอฟซี substances, etc. but greenhouse gas emissions are controlled by the Kyoto Protocol, there are only 6 types of gas will have to be caused by human activities (anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission) only:(CO 2) methane gas (CH 4) greenhouse gas emissions, said oxide (N 20) gas ไฮโดรฟลู, aerobic carbon monoxide (HFC). Pearlie fluoride aerobic carbon emissions (PFC) and gas ซัลเฟอร์เฮก pulls fluoride (SF 6 ) depending on the greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities is one of the most important.(CFC or Chlorofluorocarbon) which is used as a refrigerant and foam used in the production, but is not defined in the Kyoto Protocol because it is restricted to the Montreal Protocol, and
sources of greenhouse gases of the ruins of
the digestion plant carcass