Regardless of the number of criteria stated, all
authors agreed that requests for maximization of all
named criterions would be without ground and
that the relative meaning of individual criteria
depends on specific situation, in the sense of
identifying relative meaning of information system
successfulness factors, in any described method.
Pearson (1977) has conducted research in practice
and determined that, for groups of interest in the
organization the most important factors
With detailed result analysis of this empirical
research, it can be noticed that five most important
factors of information system successfulness
mentioned by the information system managers are
mostly consistent with those mentioned by user
manager. However, there are two exceptions:
Factors of relations and communication between
users and information technology specialists have
been rated as more important than the factor of
understanding of user’s needs, while the user
managers have rated the opposite. Factor
“providing training for users” has been pointed by
the user managers as less important than the factor
of output size and the factor of business effects
from computer support, while information system
managers are pointing out the opposite. Attention
should especially be devoted to the fact that the
factor of relation between user and information
system specialist has been rated as the third most
important factor of successfulness by the
information system specialists, and as irrelevant by
the staff of information systems and users, which
points to the possibility of a problem is in the
assessment process of information system
successfulness between the information system
manager and other users connected to the
information system.