OThe inßuence of pressure (16) and
cooling rates (17) in the phase transitions in zirconium
titanate has been studied. The stoichiometry of zirconium
titanate depends on the synthetic conditions and the initial
Zr/Ti ratio. The stoichiometries ZrTiO4 (space group Pbcn,
a+4.80As , b+5.48As , and c+5.03As ) and Zr5Ti7O24
(Zr0.833Ti1.167O4, space group Pbcn, a+14.36As , b+
5.32As , and c+5.02As ) have been reported (18). This last
unit cell is a very related supercell (a axis tripled) due to
partial ordering of the metal cations. A Ti-rich zirconium
titanate mineral (srinlankite) has also been reported
(Zr0.666Ti1.334O4, space group Pbcn, a+4.71As , b+5.55As ,
and c+5.02As ) (19), showing that a high titanium content is
common in these phases.