Timing Sensor Set-up The ECU uses the signals from the trigger and sync sensors to follow the engine cycle. In Normal Mode the sync signal is used to tell the ECU that the next trigger will be number one BTDC. All STINGER 4 ECUs can accept hall, optical and magnetic sensors using the same input wire. Some after market ECUs require a complex calibration procedure to calibrate a magnetic sensor to the ECU. With the EMS STINGER 4 ECUs this is not necessary because it will automatically self-learn the magnetic sensor signals. Also, the ecu will trigger with a trace zero crossing signal. This method provides pin-point timing accuracy over the entire rev range. Trigger (ref) sensor type This parameter sets the ECU to use a Hall, Optical or magnetic sensor for the trigger signal. The same input wire can be used to read signals from any of these sensors. Sync (home) sensor type This parameter sets the ECU to use a Hall, Optical or magnetic sensors for the sync (home) signal. The same input wire can be used to read signals from any of these sensors. If the sensor type is Hall or Optical then set this parameter to “Hall/Optical”. Hall and Optical sensors are usually 3 wire sensors that produce a square wave signal. These sensors usually require a regulated power supply that can be obtained from the red 8 volt wire inside the shielded sub-loom. If the sensor type is magnetic then set this parameter to “Magnetic” Magnetic sensors are 2 wire sensors. They produce a sine wave signal. No power supply is required for these sensors. WARNING: If the red 8 volt power supply wire is not being used then it must be properly isolated to prevent short-circuiting