Hi Kaang,
Thanks for following up on this. It appears your ads were mistakenly disapproved, and we've re-reviewed and approved them. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this caused.
Please note that although we approved your ads, these ads may remain paused until you resume them. You can access your ads and change their status at any time by going to your Ads Manager (www.facebook.com/ads/manage) or by clicking on the "Ads" tab in the Applications menu when you are logged in to your account.
To reactivate each ad:
(1) Click on the name of the campaign that contains the ad you'd like to reactivate
(2) Under the status column you will find a tab with an icon that slides either to the left or right
(3) Slide the tab to the right to turn your ad on
Let me know if you need any further clarifications or assistance from my end. Have a great day!
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