6.1 Technologies
6.1.1 The Concessionaire shall employ systems and equipment that have a minimum of 5 years proven record in service for reliability and maintainability. The Concessionaire is encouraged to use off-the-shelf products and elements. Where systems and equipment are proposed which have less than 5 years proven reliability in service, the Concessionaire shall demonstrate the reliability and request approval from MRTA’s Representative.
6.2 System Capacity
6.2.1 Patronage Forecasts
(a) The MRTA has provided a patronage forecast for a 30 years design period from commencement of revenue service as specified in the Agreement, General Specifications, Appendix 14 – Forecast Passenger Flows. The forecast shall be used as the basis for engineering the infrastructure capacities and installation of equipment. The Concessionaire shall ensure reasonable capacity expansion capability of the Systems equipment during this period.
(b) The Concessionaire shall adjust capacity provisions to ensure specified passenger comfort is maintained as passenger counts at regular intervals.
6.2.2 System Upgrading
(a) The Railway System shall be sized to accommodate the patronage capacities of the Design Year, however, the Concessionaire should give consideration to the initial installation if equipment sufficient to patronage demand of the first 10 years, giving due consideration to the useful life of that equipment.
(b) As a result of Thailand’s rapid economic growth, it is considered that the capacity of the Purple Line will increase and an extension from Tao Poon to Rat Burana will be implemented in the near future.
(c) In order to provide additional capacity, the Concessionaire shall make provisions in his design of the Fixed M&E systems/equipment to accommodate a greater through-put of passengers, with the minimum of cost and disruption to normal Operations.
(d) If the MRTA decides to expand the capacity of the initially installed system, this shall be considered as additional work and shall be done according to the variation procedure in clause 14.
6.3 Fleet Size
6.3.1 Fleet size shall be established to meet:
(a) Service capacity;
(b) Service reliability; and
(c) Rolling Stock availability
6.3.2 Service Speed
(a) Operating speed for the Railway System revenue and non-revenue lines shall be limited to the following:
(i) Maximum speed 80 km/h on revenue lines;
(ii) Service speed 32-42 km/h
(ii) Civil speed restrictions in accordance with the Approved Alignment Design Criteria and passenger comfort; and
(iii) 25 km/h in the Depot area.
(b) The maximum round trip time under undisturbed operation conditions shall be determined by the Concessionaire and be included as part of the Preliminary Design Submission. The Concessionaire shall ensure that this round trip time is met under all conditions of undisturbed operation.
6.4 Revenue Service Operation Requirement
6.4.1 Capacity Requirements
(a) The Concessionaire shall provide sufficient passenger carrying capacity on trains during revenue service to meet the forecast passenger flows in General Specifications, Appendix 14.
(b) Line capacity is the number of passengers per hour per direction (pphpd) that can be carried past any given point on the system in the peak period in fully occupied trains operating in the W3 Peak Loading condition, providing for standee loading at the rate of 6 passengers/m2.
(c) The load of all services originating or terminating at any of the consecutive stations between Klong Bang Phai Station and Tao Poon Station shall not be greater than W3 Peak Loading condition.
(d) The passenger counts (including their timing and location) must be designed by using the Automatic Fare Collection System to ensure that they reflect maximum load demand for passenger services at the relevant time of the day.
6.4.2 Passenger Service Operating Hours
(a) The MRTA requires passenger services shall be operated from 05.30 to 24:00 daily.
(b) The Concessionaire shall determine the revenue service hours to suit the passenger demand and propose to the MRTA for approval. During the non-revenue hours the passenger trains may be withdrawn to the Depot or Pocket Tracks along the revenue line made available for maintenance activities.
(c) The service capacity shall be determined from the MRTA’s forecast for patronage demand, peak and off-peak periods. Proposed service shall be submitted to the MRTA for approval during Design Submission.
(d) Patronage demand shall be reviewed periodically by the Concessionaire and the capacity provided may be adjusted accordingly. Demand survey results and proposed service adjustments shall be submitted to the MRTA for approval.
(e) Peak periods shall be from 06:30 to 08:30 and from 17:00 to 19:30 of working day which is to be adjusted by the MRTA as appropriate patronage demand.