Colour, taste, smell.
Roble Miel
This name – honey oak - made me think of the colour of honey that changes from light brown or amber tones to darker browns, passing through reddish, yellow or green tonalities.
The colour of honey is determined by the type of flowers the bees collect the nectar from.
And the aroma and taste also depend on the plant the pollen was collected from.
It is as though the bees sucked up the colour, taste and aroma of every single flower. As though they carried it back to the hive and the essence of the flowers of rosemary, thyme, sunflower, almond and lemon trees flew in the air through the honey to impregnate our senses.
But in the words of a well-known song, “bad weather for lyrics”: the process is bound to be much more prosaic.
Roble Miel has the colour of a sunny July day when the sunflowers blossom and the intense, brilliant colours are almost unreal and unique.