Unfortunately, some of the questions that you are asking are not within the realm of Tarot to discover. I do not believe that Tarot is capable of uncovering specific events, only the emotional and spiritual energy that surrounds events. So while I’m comfortable saying that it looks like the time of the World and the time of Six of Cups overlaps, I’m not sure exactly how to answer your question abut The Ten of Swords. It’s clear from the cards that there was a lot of trust, discussion and honesty in their relationship.However, people are complicated and just because they feel like they will be okay with an upcoming or possible event, it doesn’t mean it will turn out that way when things actually go down. Xiumin and Luhan may have prepared themselves for Luhan’s leaving, only to find a rush of unusual and unexpected negative emotions once he was actually gone. Unfortunately, neither of them were here when I did the reading, so it’s difficult to know exactly what triggers the feeling of betrayal and anxiety. Pure speculation: Luhan could have expected Xiumin to back him up more, Xiumin could have been holding out hope that Luhan would stay, or maybe Luhan is hurt to see pictures of Xiumin out drinking with the other members while he is still sick. The possibilities are endless really and we will probably never know. The important thing is to remember the background behind the cards. One negative card does not destroy or spell the end for a relationship, it simply gives them an obstacle to make the relationship stronger.