An advantage of the compact cavity design is that it is easy to control the temperature of the complete laser using a Peltier thermoelectric cooler (TEC). To this end, a small hole is drilled in the mirror mount near the diode, and a thermistor or other temperature sensor glued inside it. A thin metal plate is glued between the base of the mirror mount and the TEC to provide a good thermal connection between the laser and the TEC. We use a 30x30 mm2 TEC with 33 W of cooling power, in which case the dimensions of the plate are 3x30x40 mm3 (a clearance hole must also be drilled in the plate to accommodate a raised bolt head on the mirror mount). The other side of the TEC must be attached to a suitable heatsink. If the laser is to be mounted on an optical table, a standard slotted base (e.g., ThorLabs BA2) works well. All glued joints should be made with a low vapor pressure epoxy such as Torr-Seal to avoid outgassing contamination if the laser is to be operated in a sealed enclosure.