I hope you had a wonderful vacation! For those of you leaving us at the end of the week, enjoy your last week at ANS! I'm sure you'll join is in welcoming the new staff too!
A reminder: THIS WEEK, I am covering 1.5, Amy is covering 2.4, Y4 Teachers are covering 4.1, K. Top is covering R1 and Mr Parry is going to be very busy training our new staff! It is an incredibly busy week and we appreciate your support and patience. We dearly hope that no one will be absent this week because there are no bodies left!
1. ALL TEACHERS: The updated Morning Duties Rota (1:2) is on the Google Drive, Teacher Documents folder and on the wall in the Resource Room!
2. OVERSEAS TEACHERS: Those of you with PLT observations scheduled this term, please get in contact with your observer to arrange a convenient time for you both. These could start from next week so no rush; we have all of 1:2 to get to see you!
3. ALL TEACHERS: Student photographs are next week. I will send you a schedule later today.
4. NEW TEACHERS: Probation observations will commence next week. I will send out a schedule later today.
5. ALL TEACHERS Y2 - Y6: To avoid parents disrupting your lines in the morning, or after school activities they have now been asked to wait in the canteen, or the new waiting area alongside the canteen, at the beginning and end end of the school day. Pupils should meet them in this area after classes have finished, (including After School Clubs and tutorials). Please help us by reinforcing this with any parents you see 'hanging around'.
6. FOUNDATION TEACHERS: Phonics Play should be back up and running. I was in contact with them over the vacation and was able to log in myself.