If this Chu Feng is unable to produce the ample evidence, proved one said is right, if can show, then these Half Emperor level Elder of ginseng star view, must commit suicide at the scene.
Elder of these Half Emperor levels, it can be said that ginseng star view in Azure Tree Mountain true taking advantage, if they died, that Chu Feng this act, quite therefore to the ginseng star view, is ruthless absolutely.
At this moment, these formerly had flustered for several other Elder of Yuan clear guarantee, because of them does not want with no reason at all, for Yuan Qing this kind of disciple, but bets own life, therefore they do not dare to reply.
„, Do not fear, only if this Chu Feng can trigger here the ancient times immortal pond, but you should know that present ancient times immortal pond terrifying, his not to mention triggering ancient times the immortal pond, ancient times the most deep place of immortal pond is unable to arrive.”
„Bets with him, but is a serious oath, I dare Guarantee, finally death can be he.”
„Come, do not fear that this not only fights for our prestige, will fight for the future of my ginseng star view, if we do not dare to pledge today, then the future of ginseng star view, will be killed by this Chu Feng, all prestige of ginseng star view, destroyed.”
Sees several other Elder to hesitate, that has made the serious oath Elder, hurries to send greetings in secret, starts to console.
„Sends sends, our feet do not fear the shoes to be crooked, the fact is the fact, you gave up any idea of that distorts the facts.”
But under consoling of that Elder, Elder of several other Half Emperor levels, under the attention of people, initiated the serious oath.
„Chu Feng, our serious oath has sent, puts out to prove certificate that you have not lain, otherwise, such as your pledge said that if today is unable to show that you said are real, then you by rights ought to commit suicide to perish.” After having made the serious oath, the Elder resentment of ginseng star view read fully, starts force Chu Feng, wishing one could to make Chu Feng die immediately.
„Good, actually the method of proof genuine and fake is very simple, really gold does not fear the fire to build up, since your firm cell Qing were triggering ancient times the person of immortal needle, then made the Yuan Qing make one time again.” Chu Feng looked at a that to lie down in a Yuan Qing of place, afterward looked at one, not far away ancient times immortal pond.
Hears this words, a Yuan Qing ashen-faced, did not have including the courage of reply immediately, because he was clear, he did not have such ability.
„Really is ignorant, you do not know, ancient times Elf triggering ancient times immortal needle, can be good in the specific day?”
„Except for that special time, ancient times energy very in immortal pond, even if unable to withstand by ancient times Elf of ancient times immortal pond breeding, let alone was the Yuan is clear.”
„The method that Chu Feng, it seems like you said that has not worked, even if the Yuan Qing wanted itself certificate, must wait till next year ancient times immortal pond open time was good.”
„Was a pity very much that you said you must show what today you said is real, if unable to show today that you may should fulfill the pledge.”
However at this moment, Elder of ginseng star view, refutes Chu Feng, speaking plausibly that not only said that also continues to force Chu Feng.
However, observes Elder action at this moment regarding the ginseng star, Chu Feng is actually early some responses, therefore he is not irritable, but is light smiles, said:
„Good, since the Yuan Qing cannot, is made by me, today, my Chu Feng is in front of your, entered this ancient times immortal pond, triggers that had never been triggered the ancient times immortal needle.” When speech, Chu Feng has aimed at the ancient times immortal pond deep place the hand, position that direction, ancient times the immortal needle was.
PS: Thank everybody's care, today went to the hospital to look, the situation was optimistic, simply was above the expectation, the honeybee did not use the surgery, choice conservative treatment, and effect will be likely better than the surgery.
This time is also turns misfortune into a blessing, first after painstakingly, sweet, then, the honeybee prepares to pick up the refresh rate, repays to care about me, encourages me, supported my readers, the brothers refueled together, for better tomorrow's struggle.