3.2. Result of waste flow estimation in BKJ before and after CBWM
The waste flow before and after CBWM implementation in BKJ
was estimated as shown in Fig. 8. The amount of waste generated by
each person was based on an estimated waste generation rate. For
the purpose of this study, an average Indonesian waste generation
rate of 0.59 kg a day per capita was adopted (Agamuthu et al., 2007).
The amount of household waste in BKJ was calculated to be 2743 kg
a day based on the 2008 population of 4587.
According to a field survey conducted by BINTARI prior to the
implementation of CBWM in 2005, waste cart volumes due to MSW
collection was 0.7 cubic meters, and the average frequency of transporting
was six times per day. Therefore, the amount of waste
transported to a TPS in BKJ was 4.2 cubic meters per day and the
weight of the waste transported to a TPS each day can be calculated
as 1680 kg per day when considering a 400 kg cubic meter waste
density (Diaz and Golueke, 1985). Consequently, the collection rate
indicated that prior to CBWM implementation, approximately 60%
of household waste and the remaining waste were treated by backyard
burning or thrown on the road side or into a river. Generally
recyclable materials such as plastics and metals are recovered by
private waste pickers at TPS, however there was no data related to