2.2. Layout, treatments and design of the
The single factor experiment was laid out in a
Randomized Complete Block Design with three
replications. The whole experimental area was
8.5 m × 8.0 m, which was divided into three
blocks. Each block was again divided into 4
plots and hence there were 12 (4×3) unit plots.
The size of unit plot was 2.0 m × 1.5 m. The
distance between two adjacent blocks and plots
were 1.0 m and 0.5 m, respectively. The
experiment consisted of four levels of nitrogen
viz., N0 = Control, N1= 70 kg N/ha, N2= 100 kg
N/ha and N3= 130 kg N/ha. The treatments were
assigned randomly in each block separately.
2.3. Seed rate, soaking and treatment
Carrot seeds of variety 'New Caroda' were
soaked into water for 12 hours and then wrapped
with a piece of thin cloth prior to sowing. Then
they were spread over polythene sheet for two
hours to dry. The seeds were treated with
Vitavex-200 @ 3 g/100 g seed. Seeds were used
at a rate of 3 Kg/ha as narrated by Rashid (1993),
consequently 20 g of seeds were used for the