Political scientists have distinguished between two varieties of multilevel governance. One form of multilevel governance provides for relatively restricted interactions among organizations within a particular geograph- ical area. The other form of multilevel governance involves broader inter- actions among organizations linked by a specific function or policy.
Type l multilevel governance resembles federal states. Indeed, a good example is the relationships that exist between the US federal government, the state governments, and the various county and the various county and city governments this type l multilevel governance depicts a distribution of power across a finite number of levels. power flows from the center national entity down to sub-state units each of which is often further subdivided. cooperation is much more likely to occur between the center and the sub-state entities than between the sub-state entities themselves. jurisdictional boundaries and the relationship between one level and any other are clearly defined. the jurisdiction of the various levels rarely overlap. each body serves a general non-specialized role. its rule covers a particular territory at the relevant level.